Overcoming Sadness: Releasing the Grief and Reclaim Your Joy
As the author, Rev. Dr. Stephanie Wilkins, I have identified twelve emotions that I had to work through in my grief journey. I'm sharing these devotional journals with the hope that you'll be able to read, meditate and journal as the Holy Spirit gives you revelations as you move through your own journey to ultimately reclaim your joy.
This book is available for purchase in the United States of America via USPS.
As the author, Rev. Dr. Stephanie Wilkins, I have identified twelve emotions that I had to work through in my grief journey. I'm sharing these devotional journals with the hope that you'll be able to read, meditate and journal as the Holy Spirit gives you revelations as you move through your own journey to ultimately reclaim your joy.
This book is available for purchase in the United States of America via USPS.
As the author, Rev. Dr. Stephanie Wilkins, I have identified twelve emotions that I had to work through in my grief journey. I'm sharing these devotional journals with the hope that you'll be able to read, meditate and journal as the Holy Spirit gives you revelations as you move through your own journey to ultimately reclaim your joy.
This book is available for purchase in the United States of America via USPS.